Paleo Diet – Personal Self Development Ebooks, Reports, Articles and Video for Personal Development Thu, 05 Jan 2023 19:22:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Paleo Diet – Personal Self Development 32 32 214823948 Living the Paleo Diet > 12 Part Paleo Diet Primer Thu, 05 Jan 2023 19:17:36 +0000 Read More »]]> 1. Living the Paleo Way – Benefits of Paleo Diet

This popular diet is often referred to as the ‘caveman’ diet because it’s founded on the type of diet our ancestors consumed during the Paleolithic era.

While the modern day version isn’t an exact replication of their diet the basic concept is the same. It consists of healthy, wholesome food that isn’t full of additives, preservatives and other harmful ingredients often found in the average diet.

The paleo diet has seen an outpouring of popularity with thousands of people praising its benefits. With bestselling books like the Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf popping up on bookshelves everywhere there is little denying that the paleo solution works and when followed correctly can be a very healthy way of life.

The diet itself is fairly simple. There is a list of foods that you can and can’t eat. However, the simplicity ends when you have to adhere to the foods that you can eat and eliminate the ones you can’t. The process of switching to a paleo lifestyle can take some time so remember to be patient and persistent.

Most of us grew up on cereal, bread, milk, chocolate, burgers, fries and ice creams. Foods that we have grown to love. In fact, we love these foods so much that obesity has reached epidemic proportions.

While most normal diets give you a list of foods that aren’t good for you, the paleo diet goes one-step further by focusing on ingredients. For example, a normal diet may state that you shouldn’t eat doughnuts. The paleo diet says eliminate processed sugar which eliminates a huge chunk of foods that you may not even think have sugar like bread and other everyday staples.

It also recommends eating only grass fed meats, fish, poultry, fruit, non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, spinach, and eggs. The good news is fats like vegetable, olive, coconut, and macadamia oil are allowed, which makes cooking easier.

If you are planning to make the switch to the paleo diet, it is a good idea to invest in a cookbook that will help you learn how to transform the foods on your list into tasty dishes.

Just because the diet is restrictive doesn’t mean that it has to be boring. At first, you may have cravings for your favorite forbidden foods. However once you have gotten used to the diet, your cravings will naturally decrease and even the smell of junk food may make your stomach turn. In fact, you may find that your food is tastier than ever before after you have eliminated all of the processed ingredients from your diet.

The priceless benefits of switching the paleo diet are worth all the beginning sacrifices. You will be leaner, healthier and feel much better.

2. Living The Paleo Way – More Paleo Benefits

It is a very wholesome diet that only allows the consumption of natural foods such as grass fed meats, fish, vegetables, nuts and healthy fats such as coconut, macadamia and olive oils while eliminating processed food products and sugars.

Natural all the way is the key to success with paleo lifestyle. Contrary to popular belief, taste doesn’t have to be sacrificed whit this particular eating plan. Spices are allowed and there are many excellent resources, websites and recipe books on the market, which will teach you to whip up healthy yet tasty dishes.

One of the biggest benefits of the paleo diet is good health and a reduced risk of disease. Unlike many of the current diet products and foods most people are used to, which are loaded with preservatives, harmful additives and other artificial ingredients that cause all kinds of health problems as wells obesity.

Another benefit, which is the reason most people make the switch, is weight loss. It works by reducing the amount of carbohydrates you consume. This keeps your blood sugar levels stable and increase your insulin sensitivity, which means your body will be more responsive to burning off fat and staying lean.

Inflammation reduction is another positive side effect. Thousands of people all over the world complain of daily aches and pains. Their body hurts but they do not know why. The reason is inflammation caused by consuming unhealthy foods, which inflame cells. By switching to a paleo lifestyle and consuming a healthy diet your body will naturally reduce inflammation and decrease pain.

The next benefit is increased muscle mass. Since the paleo diet revolves around the consumption of ample amounts of meat, you will be getting a lot of protein. This will aid in muscle growth and recovery, when you engage in regular exercise as well as much less muscle breakdown. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, which means that you will be lean, fit and healthy.

Our body needs omega-3 fatty acids to be healthy. However, our modern diet often has an overload of omega-6 fatty acids (bad fat) and a drastic reduction in the healthier omega-3. By consuming healthy meats such as grass-fed meats, eggs and wild caught salmon, you are giving your body a healthy dose of omega-3 acids which leads to a healthier brain and organs.

Many people who adopt this lifestyle change will also notice that they no longer suffer from common allergies. Many pre-packaged foods contain ingredients that our bodies just can’t process which raises our sensitivity to allergens. By cutting out these foods, we naturally eliminate many symptoms that we didn’t even realize were caused by what we were eating.

Lastly you will enjoy increased energy. Initially, the diet may be a little difficult to follow and you may not feel very good because your body is ridding itself of toxins accumulated from past eating habits. The change can be challenging. However, once you get over the initial phase it will get easier and you will find yourself feeling full of life and bursting with energy.

3. Living The Paleo Way – Common Misconceptions

Even though the paleo diet has been around for a while and has thousands of followers, there are many misconceptions about this diet. These misconceptions arise through false information, a negative image of the lifestyle and even marketing attempts by other fad diets to discredit it.

As we know the paleo diet somewhat resembles the way our early ancestors ate and the coined reference to the caveman diet has caused one of the biggest misconceptions about the lifestyle.

– Firstly, many people think it is all about gorging yourself on meat

The paleo diet is about eating nutrient rich foods that don’t contain harmful substances and disagree with our bodies. It isn’t a reenactment of how the actual cavemen ate. Paleo dieters don’t go out hunting for boars or deer and roast the meat over an open flame.

The diet is about eating the correct foods and excluding the bad ones. Grains, sugar, processed foods, etc. aren’t allowed. This is due to the fact that these foods are neither natural nor healthy. There are millions of people who have problems with grain based foods. So, the diet isn’t only about meat. Vegetables, healthy fats and fruit may be consumed too.

– Secondly, is that Paleo dieting is only meant for fat loss.

Fat loss is one of the benefits of a paleo diet but it isn’t the goal. Unlike the Atkins diet or other low carb diets, the paleo followers aren’t overly concerned about weight loss. The idea is to consume wholesome, healthy food and stop eating junk that can be detrimental to your health.

Once this is achieved, weight loss naturally follows. Obesity is a growing trend around the world and it’s reaching epidemic proportions. That’s because of poor food choices. The paleo diet is a healthy way to eat and live. It’s more than just fat loss.

– The paleo diet isn’t practical

The paleo diet does require some effort and preparation. That doesn’t make it impractical. You just need to find ways to make it easier for you. Cooking your food for a few days at a time, pre-packing it in containers for ease, it a great way to stay on track. If you are truly dedicated, you will find a way.

– The paleo diet is expensive.

No, it’s not. You are encouraged to buy your meat and vegetables from farmers’ markets and other suppliers. Since you will be doing your own cooking, you’ll be spending less on food. In addition, since you won’t be consuming as much processed junk food, so you won’t be spending as much on the usual comforts foods which means it could actually be cheaper.

– The paleo diet isn’t for women.

There are many arguments for this, stating that women need more carbohydrates and less protein then men, which may be true. However, in cases like this, a paleo eating plan is actually better because if the woman feels lethargic, she can consume more carbs in the form of vegetables, which is more beneficial. The paleo diet doesn’t have to be rigid. You can mix and match to suit your schedule and your taste buds.

These are only a few of the more common misconceptions. There are many more but don’t let them stop you. The best way to know if this lifestyle is for you is to is to try it for 3 weeks or a month. If you start looking and feeling better, stay on. If not, you can always go back to your previous way of eating but chances are good that once you go paleo, you’ll never go back.

4. Living The Paleo Way – Best Type of Foods for Paleo

As we know the paleo diet is based on a rough dietary plan modeled after what our ancestors may have consumed during the Paleolithic era. The diet itself is extremely healthy and wholesome if followed properly. Thousands of people all over the world have reported many health benefits and positive results from adopting this lifestyle and while it may not be the cure-all for all illnesses, it positive effects can’t be denied.

The diet itself is pretty easy to understand conceptually. You have a list of foods that you can eat and a list of foods that you shouldn’t eat. As we have discussed before it’s very basic and anybody can follow it. Unlike other diets which use timings, food combinations, detoxes, lemonade, etc. the paleo is very straightforward. However, it isn’t always easy to follow.

You’ll need a certain level of determination to get over the initial phase when your body is adjusting to new foods and eating habits. You will have cravings that may gnaw at you constantly. Sugar cravings are especially hard to ignore however once you get past the initial phase, you will find it much easier to stick to than other types of diets.
So what are the best paleo foods?

The foods you consume will be nutrient dense and natural. It’s highly recommended that you eat organic produce and grass fed meats whenever possible. Even eggs should be free range. However, this may prove to be expensive. So, if you cannot afford organic vegetables and grass fed meats, then by all means get the normal produce and meats. Most importantly, stick to the food list recommended by the diet.

Don’t worry that you are going to be limited to only a few foods. There are many types of foods you can eat while on the paleo diet. If you haven’t done so it is a good idea to invest in a good paleo diet recipe book that includes a list of options available. You can also find many food lists online. Just make sure that they come from a reputable source.

Here is a quick list found on the website,

Do eat:

Grass-fed meats (when possible)



Fresh fruits

Apple, Avocado, Blackberries, Papaya, Peaches, Plums, Mango, Lychee, Blueberries, Grapes, Lemon, Strawberries, Watermelon, Pineapple, Guava, Lime, Raspberries, Cantaloupe, Tangerine, Figs and Oranges.

Fresh vegetables

Asparagus, Avocado, Artichoke hearts, Brussels sprouts, Carrots, Spinach, Celery, Broccoli, Zucchini, Cabbage, Peppers (All Kinds), Cauliflower, Parsley, Eggplant and Green Onions


Almonds, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Pecans, Macadamia, Walnuts, Pine Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds and Sunflower Seeds.
*You can include healthy oils (olive, walnut, flaxseed, macadamia, avocado, coconut) which makes cooking easier.

Don’t eat:

Cereal grains
Legumes (including peanuts)
Refined sugar
Processed foods
Overly salty foods
Refined vegetable oils
Candy/junk/processed food

Food lists like these make it easier to pick and choose what you like to eat and create a customized plan that you can stick to. The most important thing to remember is that it doesn’t have to be a rigid diet. You have the freedom to be flexible.

When you consume only the approved foods on the list above, you will soon notice that you will start to your look and feel better. Of course, always eat in moderation and not to excess. Portion size still matters. If you eat sensibly and follow this diet, the results will be fantastic.

5. Living The Paleo Way – Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet

As we know the paleo diet is an awesome lifestyle that has thousands of fans all over the world. There are many bestselling books on the subject. People who have adopted this lifestyle have reported weight loss, reduced allergies, and reduced symptoms for health issues like diabetes, cholesterol, and much more. In fact, it’s considered one of the healthiest diets to follow. However, no diet is perfect and paleo is no different. Just like anything else it has its pros and cons. You will have to decide for yourself if the pros outweigh the cons.

Foremost, you will need to understand this diet is more concerned with food choices rather than calories, timing, carb control and detoxing. Eat certain foods and avoid other foods. All you need to do is follow the food list like we discussed in the last issue. In theory it’s simple, however, it can be extremely difficult in the beginning because it involves sacrifice and nobody likes that.

You are encouraged to eat grass-fed meats such as beef, poultry, bison, turkey, pork, etc. Fish is good too. Especially wild salmon that is rich in omega-3 fatty oils. You may consume fruit and non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, spinach, etc. You may consume nuts such as pecans, almonds, walnuts and cashews. Peanuts aren’t allowed.

Eggs and plant based oils are also encouraged. Coconut oil, olive oil, macadamia oil, etc. are sources of fat. These foods are an integral part of the paleo plan.

The foods that aren’t allowed are grains, such as oats, wheat, barley, and rice. You’re also not allowed to consume starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and corn. All dairy products aren’t allowed. Sugar, processed meats such as hot dogs, salami, etc. are a big no-no. Salty food, processed foods, refined foods are all not allowed.

This eliminates a huge chunk of foods that people are normally used to eating which some may consider a con however it is actually one of the biggest pros because most of those foods are unhealthy and some foods such as soya beans and grains are commonly known to cause food allergies and aren’t digested well by many people.

As we have talked about before the paleo diet is rich in protein which helps keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevents insulin spikes. This also prevents weight gain. It is also very clean and that means it’s anti-inflammatory.
Most people on so called normal diets often complain of aches and pains for no reason. This is due to cell inflammation from food that the body doesn’t process properly. Once you begin following a paleo plan you will notice these problems will naturally fade and may even disappear altogether which in my book is the biggest pro of all!

With all the good reasons to go paleo there are still a few cons to consider. For instance this diet isn’t suitable for vegetarians. Paleo dieters often have a hard time balancing their meals. They often include too much protein without consuming adequate carbs or vice versa, so, careful monitoring is important especially in the beginning. The paleo diet can seem too rigid and strict to many people especially when they focus more on what they can’t have than what they can. When food choices are restricted, more attention is necessary to keep your diet balanced, which proves to be to be too challenging for some causing them to give up before they start seeing the benefits of the lifestyle.

As with any big lifestyle change it is important to assess your goals and weigh your options. If you’re willing to make sacrifices for better health, you will definitely have a much easier time switching to paleo.

6. Living The Paleo Way – Does Paleo Live up to the Hype?

We live in a world that is filled with hype, slick marketing, misleading ads, fads, crazes and short term fixes. It’s easy and even understandable when people feel like the paleo diet could be just another short term trend.
However, they would be mistaken in this case because the paleo diet is everything it claims to be. It will improve your health, leave you looking leaner, fitter and can ultimately change your life for the better. As we know this particular eating plan recommends only eating wholesome foods and avoiding foods that aren’t good for you.

For example, the paleo diet recommends eating wild caught salmon which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and extremely beneficial. With all the prepackaged and processed food the current American diet is short on omega-3 acids and high in omega-6 acids.

Consuming food rich in Omega-3 acids like salmon is a big part of the paleo lifestyle because they contain anti-inflammatory properties which are important for good health and help eliminate aches and pains associated with food allergies.

We also know that this diet doesn’t allow the consumption of sugar and grains which often eliminates a man of our favorite comfort foods like cereals, breads, pasta, pizza, cakes, and chocolates and while the thought of eliminating these foods may seem like a big sacrifice once you do you will notice that your blood sugar levels will become more stable which will make you feel better and maintain good energy levels throughout your daily activities.

– You may be asking yourself why this is important.

When your blood sugar levels spike, your body releases insulin. Over time the body loses insulin sensitivity and this results in increased fat storage. The moment you consume a bowl of sugary cereal in the morning, your blood sugar shoots up and insulin is released and you will feel great until a little later when you will have a sugar crash and end up feeling lethargic. Why do you think people often feel sleepy after a heavy lunch? This is the reason.

A steady paleo diet will help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Because of this, you won’t gain weight as easily. Furthermore, by eliminating a most unhealthy carbs, you will naturally lose any excess weight you’re carrying provided you aren’t consuming too many daily calories. This is especially good for people suffering from diabetes because it’s much easier to keep a steady blood glucose level.

Because the diet involves consuming a fair amount of protein it also ensures that you have sufficient protein for muscle building and repair. Just make sure that you balance your diet with vegetables.

One mistake many paleo dieters make is that they neglect to balance their meals. So, they often end up eating too much protein and not enough carbohydrates. For the best results it’s important for your macronutrients to be as well balanced as possible which means consuming the correct proportion of fats, carbs and protein.

7. Living The Paleo Way – Controlling Your Cravings While on Paleo

The paleo diet is considered one of the healthiest diets on the planets. It’s extremely popular among fitness enthusiasts who swear by its effectiveness. Unlike most other fad diets, it is more about making the right food choices. Grains, processed foods, sugar and a few other foods aren’t allowed which is considered restrictive by some and while there are plenty of delicious foods that you can eat the ones you can’t are often the ones we crave the most.

The big hit for most of us is the elimination of sugar which means that comfort foods such as ice-cream, cake, candy and even breads aren’t allowed. Many people don’t even want to imagine life without indulging in these foods let alone giving them up all together.

This issue alone is why so many people fall off the paleo bandwagon before they begin to see the benefits. They start off with good intentions but give up when their cravings get the better of them. This issue will provide you with few ways to control your cravings. Just keep in mind that while these methods can help a great deal but there will be times when the cravings are more persistent than others.

The important thing to always keep in mind is that with time, these cravings will disappear. Your body is just used to consuming these types of food (it’s addicted) and it will take some time to replace your old eating habits with new healthy ones. Just rest assured that if you stay the course, you will learn control your cravings and one day, they will be a thing of your past.

The best way to control cravings for sweet foods will be to have some sweet foods on standby. Just make sure that they are paleo approved sweet foods. There are many very delicious recipes for smoothies, ice-creams and other desserts that you can find in a good paleo cookbook or website. You may be surprised to find that a strong craving for chocolate can often be diminished by eating a cold, slice of watermelon.

You just need to find the right substitutes for the sweet foods you normally go for and keep a few on standby at all times. You never know when you may get a craving so when it hits, just reach for the substitute.

Another way to control cravings will be to remove all the food in your house that doesn’t fit in with your new lifestyle. Don’t create temptation. Having a big tub of chocolate ice-cream in the freezer is just asking for trouble. Get rid of all these potential problem food and that way you won’t have to test your will power.

Bring your own cooked food to work. Especially in the beginning, when you’re in the initial phase. If you find yourself struggling you may have to avoid eating out or with friends who aren’t eating healthy because just looking at or smelling their food may trigger cravings. While this may seem extreme and anti-social it is important especially in the beginning, (only about 2 or 3 months) until you are confident that you have conquered your cravings.

8. Living The Paleo Way – Differences Between the Paleo and a Low Carb Diet

This is a very popular question that is often asked by people who are trying to make sense of all the weight loss information floating around. However it isn’t always an easy one to answer because it all depends on the personal preferences of the person implementing the diet.

In this issue we will go over some of the pros and cons of each diet and in the end, the ultimate decision on which one to follow is up to you.

As we have discussed before the paleo diet isn’t really about weight loss. It’s more about making healthy food choices. Eating food that’s good for your body and avoiding food that is not is the core of the plan. This makes it highly effective and as a result, people following it will lose weight and this gives the impression that the paleo diet is all about losing weight.

You will be eating lots of protein when living the paleo way. This includes (grass fed) meats, eggs, healthy fats such as coconut oils and grass fed butter, etc. You will not be allowed to eat anything containing sugar, grains or that is refined or processed products. This cuts out prepackaged food including diet and sugar free products too.

This is extremely difficult for many people because they have to give up many of their favorite foods. It’s a huge sacrifice for some. This makes the paleo diet much more difficult to adopt than the low carb diet. However, if you conquer your cravings as we discussed in the last issue, you will lose weight, look better and be healthier long term.

You will also have fewer allergies, potential health issues and a much better relationship with food. The cravings will disappear in about 2 to 3 months so it’s important to be patient especially during the beginning phase. Another benefit of this lifestyle change is that your weight loss will be permanent and you will have a much lower chance of gaining weight since your blood sugar levels will remain stable and there won’t be any insulin spikes from high GI foods.

The low carb diet on the other hand, advocates a diet that is extremely low in carbs or even in some cases, no carbs are allowed as in the Atkins diet. Unlike the paleo diet which recommends a certain amount of carbs from vegetables and fruit every day.

On a low carb diet you may mean consume carbs in small quantities. Many dieters make the mistake of consuming carbs such as whole wheat bread or ‘healthy’ cereals. What they often don’t realize is that even small amounts of these types of carbs will cause insulin spikes which will provide an instant energy boost but when the spike drops it leaves most of us feeling lethargic, irritable and hunting more carbs for another fix.

To maintain energy the human body needs a certain amount of carbohydrates. If you consume too little, your metabolic rate drops and you feel tired and sluggish. Unlike paleo which encourages the consumption of nutrient dense foods, which may make up for the lack of carbs, that the low carb diet doesn’t.

All too often, low carb dieters diet consume too few calories, which actually impedes fat loss progress by triggering your body’s natural response to store calories when it feels starved. The biggest positive aspect of a low carb diet is that it has much more leeway in its food choices. It’s not as hard to follow as paleo because there aren’t as many forbidden foods you just have to stay under your allotted number of for the day which will depend on your size and personal goals.

For anyone who has the discipline and determination, paleo is a great option because it is more of a lifestyle change than a temporary fix. If you’re just looking for a short term way to drop a few extra pounds then the low carb diet will probably be a better option because won’t have to totally avoid your favorite foods.

However, it is important to remember that this is a short-term solution and eliminating carbs long term can cause unwanted side effects lead to health problems and cause you to gain more weight than you lost when you revert to your previous eating habits.

9. Living The Paleo Way – The Sustainability of the Paleo Lifestyle

Several questions will come to people’s minds when they first hear of the paleo diet. Is it healthy? Is it expensive? Why do I have to sacrifice my favorite foods? Is it uncivilized?

All these questions are often based on misconceptions and false notions. The paleo diet though slightly restrictive is perfectly healthy and sustainable. As with anything that needs to become a habit, it will take some time to adapt to the paleo diet and make it a way of life.

Most diets aren’t sustainable in the long run. They are either too low in calories, based on false information or just too restrictive and unfeasible as a long-term solution.

As we know the paleo plan recommends a diet rich in meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and healthy fats. I also recommends using organic options whenever possible. We also know that grains, sugar and refined or processed foods aren’t allowed. This is where most people face the biggest hurdle.

Giving up their favorite foods like chocolates, cakes, pastries, ice cream, etc. is such a sacrifice they wonder if it’s even worth it? This is a question everyone needs to answer for themselves.

Don’t worry if you have a sweet tooth because there are plenty of paleo approved recipes to make desserts, smoothies and even ice-creams and remember that after you have been on it for 2 to 3 months, your cravings for processed sweet foods will diminish greatly. Most of cravings will be gone and you won’t feel the need to raid the refrigerator at night or binge eat.

When your body has all the nutrients it needs, it doesn’t have sudden cravings that are hard to resist. Just keep reminding yourself that it will be worth it in the end and it won’t seem like a sacrifice at all. In the end, it’s really not that bad but you’ll have to forget the Dunkin Donuts.

The key is to sticking to your new lifestyle is finding good substitutes for the foods you normally eat. This will take some time and a lot of testing especially in the beginning but soon you will find yourself reaching for an apple instead of those peanut M&M’s. If you slip up don’t beat yourself up or give up just regroup and get back on track.

To help reduce the costs of going paleo it is a good idea to plan your menu and your grocery shopping in advance, shop the sales and when possible buy your meats and fresh foods in bulk. You can then take the food home store and freeze it in portion sizes for easy access. This will not only help you save money it will help keep you from going off track.

Once you become a well-informed paleo shopper, you will find that it may even be cheaper than what you are used to. Not to mention, you will save on medical costs since you will be less susceptible to the normal health issues that are caused a poor diet.

This lifestyle is definitely sustainable and you will benefit from it greatly in the end. The only difficulty is in the beginning when you are first getting used to it. Once you cross the hump, it will be smooth sailing the rest of the way.

10. Living The Paleo Way – Difficulties Involved in Switching to the Paleo Way of Life

This is a difficult question to answer because it’s all relative. What may seem easy to one person may be difficult to another. That being said, the paleo diet is slightly more difficult to follow than other diets. Don’t let that discourage you though because it’s also more effective.

The goal of the paleo lifestyle is to remove unhealthy and even toxic foods from our diet. As we know, it isn’t about calories, carb consumption or other normal factors that most diets concern themselves with. It’s about eating food in its natural form without additives, preservatives and other substances that most people can’t even pronounce.

Food products with unidentifiable ingredients aren’t suitable for human consumption despite what the food manufactures and the FDA say. Our early ancestors didn’t consume these foods and our body’s aren’t designed to process them so they end up getting stored in the liver or as excess fat.

As we also know, grains, sugar and certain other foods aren’t allowed either. This makes it difficult for many people who have lived all their lives eating foods that contain restricted ingredients. The exclusion of grain means no more breads and pastries. Not eating sugar means giving up comfort foods such as cookies, cakes and ice cream. It’s all just overwhelming especially in the beginning.

The question then arises… What can we eat?

Even salt is severely limited. Meats such as sausages, salami, etc. aren’t allowed. This can seem almost depressing. The paleo diet also encourages people to cook their own food since most of the commercially available foods do not meet the dietary standards.

This is another hassle. Grocery shopping and cooking. Furthermore, paleo dieters cook their food in big batches to last a few days. All this definitely takes effort. The diet also recommends eating organic produce and grass-fed meats. This can be expensive and that is another factor that can demoralize a new paleo dieter. However, one need not be so rigid and eat only organic produce or grass-fed meats. Normal meat and veggies will do if your budget isn’t big.

Despite all these conditions and sacrifices, thousands of people all over the world give glowing testimonials and reviews of the paleo diet. It has made people lose weight, feel ache and pain free, lower diabetes symptoms and effects, have a healthier relationship with food, have less allergies and much more.

The sacrifices you make in the beginning will bring you rewards in the future. Once you conquer your sugar cravings, after 2 or 3 months, you will not have them anymore. A body that is getting all the nutrients it needs doesn’t get cravings. In fact, if you will just try out the paleo diet for 3 weeks or a month, you will automatically see and feel the difference. This is intangible and must be experienced to understand the benefits of a paleo diet.

If you have the determination and are willing to go through the ‘hard yards’ in the beginning, you will become healthy, happy and proud of your achievements later on. Mastering the paleo lifestyle is indeed an achievement. It takes effort and dedication just like all the best things in life.

11. Living The Paleo Way – How the Paleo Diet Can Help Those with Diabetes

The paleo diet is one of the best ways of combating diabetes and keeping it under control. There is absolutely no doubt about this. Thousands of people who were suffering from diabetes reported benefits after adopting the paleo diet.
The paleo diet focuses mostly on eating meat, healthy fats and whole vegetables that are beneficial to the body.

Sugars, simple carbohydrates, refined foods, potatoes, etc. aren’t allowed in the paleo diet. By following the paleo diet assiduously, one will keep their blood sugar level stable and there will hardly be any insulin spikes.
This is one of the major benefits of the paleo diet and it’s exactly why the diet is so suitable for diabetes sufferers.

The key to keeping diabetes and its ill effects under control is by keeping your blood sugar stable. That is the cornerstone to staying healthy despite having diabetes. The normal way to keep diabetes under control will be to use medication, which is what most doctors will prescribe.

However, many patients have still reported having diabetic ulcers, unexplained fluctuations in blood glucose levels and other issues. The reason for this is that the foods they are consuming aren’t suitable for diabetic patients. The paleo diet eliminates most of these ‘problem’ foods.

Another problem that many diabetics face is cravings for sweet foods or foods that aren’t ideal for them. These cravings are often caused by poor food choices. The more sugary foods you consume, the greater your cravings for sugary foods will be. It’s a vicious cycle.

The paleo diet puts an end to all these cravings since it eliminates sugar from the diet. It may be difficult in the beginning to adapt this diet, but once you have adapted and accepted it, your cravings will disappear and your life will become much easier. You will not face a mental struggle and guilty feelings by fighting or giving in to cravings.

When blood sugar levels spiral out of control, insulin is often required to stabilize the blood sugar levels. Often, these require professional medical treatments that are time consuming and expensive. The simple fact is that it’s relatively easy to keep blood sugar levels under control. Not only will you be spared the hassle of making and keeping medical appointments, but you’ll also save money.

Eating foods that have a high glycemic index will send your blood sugar levels through the roofs. An example of a high GI food would be a bowl of sugary cereal. A much wiser choice would be 2 half boiled eggs with a light dash of pepper.
What’s the difference?

The doughnuts aren’t allowed if you’re on the paleo diet. The eggs are allowed and recommended. The former will lead to health problems while the latter is beneficial for your well-being.

Since the paleo diet will also result in you shedding the excess pounds, you will also end up leaner and healthier. It’s a win-win situation. If you’re a diabetic, you definitely want to look into the paleo diet and give it a try. It might change your life for the better.

12. Living The Paleo Way – Simple Ways to Boost Your Health with Paleo

The paleo diet is one of the most popular diets around. It is low on sodium and sugar but high in protein and moderate with the carb intake. This is exactly why it’s so effective in weight loss and keeping other health issues in check. Unlike most other diets which are just fads, unsustainable in the long run or ineffective, it is highly effective and a perfect long-term solution for a leaner and healthier body.

There is no denying that obesity is a growing problem in the US and around the world. With the average American consuming a diet filled with fast, prepackaged and processed foods that lead to all types of health issues from allergies to daily aches and pains as well as illnesses like heart disease and diabetes.

Which means nothing but good can come from giving up processed and refined foods in favor of wholesome, healthy, natural foods. The health benefits alone are reason enough to change your eating habits because your blood sugar levels will be stable and you will be much healthier.

Of course, this lifestyle change isn’t a guarantee you will never get sick or suffer from health issues. There are a few other factors to consider that that will ensure all round good health when combined with the paleo diet.

– Sufficient sleep

All too often people sacrifice precious sleep to squeeze in more living into their day. The problem is, in most cases, sleep is sacrificed for the television, surfing the internet, late night partying, etc.

Over time, this will take a toll on one’s health. Burning the candle at both ends is never a good idea and sooner or later, your body will suffer the ill effects of sleep deprivation. Always ensure that you get enough sleep.

– Engage in resistance training

Men and women alike will benefit from resistance training. Stronger muscles are always a good thing. Weight training has multiple benefits from stronger ligaments, increased metabolism and even slows down the aging process. It isn’ta man’s thing. Women too should train with weights.

– Do at least 3 sessions of cardio a week

Cardio activity is crucial to good health. Your cardiovascular system requires constant training. Any activity that raises your heart rate for 20 minutes continuously can be considered a cardio activity. Find one that you like and do it thrice a week for about 20 to 30 minutes. It could be walking, running, cycling, rowing, skipping, anything that you like.

– Cook for yourself

It’s understandable that for some cooking can be a hassle with our busy schedules. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time. It’s highly recommended that you cook in large amounts. For example, you could cook on Sunday for the whole week or just for the next 3 days. It’s up to you. If you cook for yourself, you will know exactly what goes into your food and if it’s nutritious. You’ll also save money in the long run.

– Try new paleo recipes

The paleo diet, though slightly restrictive, doesn’t have to be bland. There are many excellent cookbooks on the market dedicated to paleo recipes. Grab a book and try out the recipes. Your food will taste better and you’ll have variety. This will go a long way in making sure you stick with the paleo diet.

These are just a few methods you can use to improve your health and see faster results while living the paleo way. Follow them and you will lose weight faster, look better and feel great.

Related Info Products:

Paleo Grubs Cookbook – Over 470 Paleo Recipes

Old School New Body – Turn Back the Years, Visually and Health

The Fat Burning Kitchen – Make Your Body a Fat-Burning Machine

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