Mindset – Personal Self Development https://selfdevelopment.site Ebooks, Reports, Articles and Video for Personal Development Fri, 17 Feb 2023 04:27:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://i0.wp.com/selfdevelopment.site/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/faviconpng.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Mindset – Personal Self Development https://selfdevelopment.site 32 32 214823948 Successful Mindset > Free Self Help Ebook https://selfdevelopment.site/successful-mindset-free-self-help-ebook/ https://selfdevelopment.site/successful-mindset-free-self-help-ebook/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2023 04:27:08 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=294 Self Help ebook “Successful Mindset” chapters looks into; Setting Your Goals, Strategic Goal Setting, Setbacks and Failures, Motivating Yourself, Thoughts and Habits of Successful People, Living for Success. Click “Successful Mindset” to download (342 KB pdf) this free self development ebook.

Successful Mindset Ebook

https://selfdevelopment.site/successful-mindset-free-self-help-ebook/feed/ 0 294
Stop Worrying and Start Living > Free Self Improvement Ebook https://selfdevelopment.site/stop-worrying-and-start-living-free-self-improvement-ebook/ https://selfdevelopment.site/stop-worrying-and-start-living-free-self-improvement-ebook/#respond Fri, 10 Feb 2023 05:37:18 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=285 Read More »]]> Self Improvement ebook “Stop Worrying and Start Living” includes main chapters; Ten actions. What is Worry? Reduce Worry. Recognizing Worry is Within Yourself. 15 Things That You Can Do Without Worry. What Worry Can Do. Beating Financial Worries and Using Yoga. Click “Stop Worrying and Start Living” to download (995 KB pdf) this free self help ebook.

Stop Worrying and Start Living Ebook

https://selfdevelopment.site/stop-worrying-and-start-living-free-self-improvement-ebook/feed/ 0 285
The Power Of Positive Thinking In The Post Modern Age > Free Self Help Ebook https://selfdevelopment.site/the-power-of-positive-thinking-in-the-post-modern-age-free-self-help-ebook/ https://selfdevelopment.site/the-power-of-positive-thinking-in-the-post-modern-age-free-self-help-ebook/#respond Wed, 08 Feb 2023 17:45:23 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=276 Read More »]]> Positive Mindset ebook “The Power Of Positive Thinking In The Post Modern Age” covers topics; The Power of Thoughts. Views, Feelings and Success. The Magnetic, Attracting Ability of the Mind And Creative Visualization. Uneasy Mind And Peace Of Mind. Inner Peace. The Importance Of Concentration. Self Control And Self Discipline. Particular Incidents. Click “The Power Of Positive Thinking In The Post Modern Age” to download (672 KB pdf) this free self improvement ebook.

The Power Of Positive Thinking In The Post Modern Age

https://selfdevelopment.site/the-power-of-positive-thinking-in-the-post-modern-age-free-self-help-ebook/feed/ 0 276
5 Characteristics of Ambitious People > Positive Mindset https://selfdevelopment.site/5-characteristics-of-ambitious-people-positive-mindset/ https://selfdevelopment.site/5-characteristics-of-ambitious-people-positive-mindset/#respond Mon, 30 Jan 2023 04:08:40 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=223 Read More »]]> Many of us wish we knew the secret formula to being ambitious and driven. Why are some people so determined to make it that they work on weekends and holidays, while others are a bit laid back and easy-going?

That’s what we’re here today to find out. We asked successful people in several fields, and they all agreed on one thing: no one is born ambitious. Instead, it’s something that takes time, patience, and a lot of hard work.

Interested in finding out more? Scroll down for our list of five characteristics of ambitious people.

1.      They Avoid Negativity

Ambitious people seem to be always in motion. They take whatever stressors their day brings and harness it to create something good, like more ambition.

Yet, they’ve trained themselves to be good at staying in balance. They don’t allow their emotions to take over their thoughts and actions.

With each bump in the road, they breathe and look at things from a clearer perspective.

They avoid getting sucked into the vortex of negative self-take, self-doubt, and indecision—all of which are the enemies of ambition. These negative emotions keep you from seeing your true potential because you’re afraid you’ll mess up or not measure up.

However, your only true competitor is yourself. So, focus on your goals, then strive to be better than you were last week. That’s all anyone expects of you.

2.      They Invest in Personal Growth

Motivated people know the value of personal growth. They know that there’s a whole world of knowledge out there we still don’t know anything about.

So, they never settle. They’re always on the hunt for the next thing to help them improve in all areas of their life.

This doesn’t just have to be taking online classes and attending seminars. Many self-improvement techniques are free of charge.

One of the ways you can invest in yourself is by getting good, quality sleep every night. It’s also about eating right and working out several times a week.

The point is to make yourself a priority. Then, pretty quickly, others will take notice and see you as a priority as well.

3.      They Surround themselves with Like-Minded People

Jim Rohn once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” In other words, if you want to be more ambitious, you need to be around people who are doing the same.

No, it doesn’t mean that you have to replace your friends. But it does mean you need to have people in your life with the right frame of mind to encourage you to be better and do better.

These are usually the ones who know what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it. If there’s a mentor you know or some kind of role model, then make an effort to spend more time with them.

Also, try to make friends with successful people in various fields, not just the ones you’re interested in. We’re creatures of habit, so whatever makes them successful will soon rub off on you.

4.      They Set Well-Defined Goals

It’s not just about the task of setting goals. Anyone can make a list of goals they want to achieve in the next week.

What ambitious people have become good at is breaking down their goals into smaller, more manageable tasks that they can actually achieve. Not only that, but they have a certain level of self-confidence that allows them to push through even when they don’t feel like it.

Say you’re thinking about starting a professional blog. Avoid the urge to jump right in and try to do everything at once. Instead, give yourself daily targets to hit.

Get a large calendar and pencil in one thing you want to get done for the next 30 days. These don’t have to be fancy or anything grand. They just have to motivate you enough to get you to the next day’s target, and so on, until you reach your big goal at the end of the month.

5.      They’re not Afraid to Take Risks

Everyone is always telling you how rewarding it can be to step outside your comfort zone. Yet, taking risks doesn’t have to be daunting or scary.

You don’t have to climb a mountain or go swimming with the sharks or anything like that—unless, of course, that’s where your ambition lies.

We’re simply suggesting that in order to be ambitious and motivated, you have to be willing to make mistakes. You have to be okay with taking work-related risks and seeing which ones will pan out and which ones will flop.

If they pay off, then great! Take it in, be proud of your accomplishments, then move on to the next big risk.

If it doesn’t pay off, then use it as a learning experience. Grow from it, understand what went wrong, then move on to something different.

It won’t be easy, but you’ll come out stronger, wiser, and more motivated to do more.

Related Info Products:

Amazing You – becoming the most incredible “you”

Goals on Track – Goal setting software for high achievers

https://selfdevelopment.site/5-characteristics-of-ambitious-people-positive-mindset/feed/ 0 223
Balancing the 4 Quadrants of Life > Free Self Help Ebook https://selfdevelopment.site/balancing-the-4-quadrants-of-life-free-self-help-ebook/ https://selfdevelopment.site/balancing-the-4-quadrants-of-life-free-self-help-ebook/#respond Sun, 22 Jan 2023 22:31:13 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=164 Self Help ebook “Balancing the 4 Quadrants of Life” looks into; Physical Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, Mind Wellness, How Are You Spending Your Time, Steps To Getting Into A Flow, Ease The Stress and Staying On Track. Click “Balancing the 4 Quadrants of Life” to download (1 MB pdf) this free ebook.

Balancing the 4 Quadrants of Life

https://selfdevelopment.site/balancing-the-4-quadrants-of-life-free-self-help-ebook/feed/ 0 164
Designing Your Brain With Brain Training > Self Development https://selfdevelopment.site/designing-your-brain-with-brain-training-self-development/ https://selfdevelopment.site/designing-your-brain-with-brain-training-self-development/#respond Wed, 18 Jan 2023 06:34:06 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=126 Read More »]]> Brain plasticity effectively means that you can grow and reshape your brain in just the same way you can reshape your muscle. That in turn means that just as a bodybuilder can increase their muscle size and choose the physique they want, so too can you potentially use brain training to develop key brain areas and to design the kind of intelligence you want.

The general principle behind growing and shaping your brain is the exact same as the general principle behind growing and reshaping muscle. That is SAID: Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands. You want better math ability? Then do more math. You want better spatial awareness? Then use that part of your brain.

Most of us don’t look at the brain in that way though. We use brain training in a very general sense and with no real objective.

We also don’t realize the potential of our brains at all. For an idea of just what’s possible, consider cases of individuals like Daniel Underwood, who have managed to develop ‘sonar’ to find their way around and to compensate for a loss of vision. If you can develop your sense of hearing to the point where you can use sonar, then imagine what you could do with other parts of your brain?

Einstein’s Brain

Structural differences in the brain certainly do correspond with differences in the nature and extent of human intelligence and there is no better example of this than Einstein’s brain. Einstein had unusual large inferior parietal lobes which were also strangely shaped.

Your brain and my brain have a large cleave cutting through the middle of this structure called the Sylvian Fissure. Interestingly, Einstein’s veered upwards and didn’t completely divide the lobes. His were also symmetrical, whereas most are smaller on the left.

The role of the inferior parietal lobe is to integrate sensory information across modalities. It is particularly important when it comes to spatial sense and navigation.

So, when we listen to Einstein’s accounts of how he came up with his theory of special relativity – by imagining himself to be travelling on a beam of light and looking back at the world around him leading to an innate understanding of the relationship between time and movement… it all kind of makes sense.

What also makes sense is that Einstein had a thicker corpus callosum – a structure that joins the two hemispheres of the brain. This would allow different brain areas to communicate more effectively, thereby leading to greater whole brain connectivity (which we know to be an important predictor of general intelligence).

It also follows that Einstein was ambidextrous. But perhaps making an argument for specialization is the fact that Einstein was probably dyslexic and some rumors claim he didn’t start speaking until the age of four.

The take-home message is that you could theoretically learn to think like Einstein. First by increasing your plasticity, then by practicing visualization and navigation to grow your inferior parietal lobes and perhaps by practicing ambidexterity to grow the corpus callosum.

But great though he was, you should not seek to emulate Einstein. Instead, focus on becoming the very best version of you.

Related Info Products:

Brighter Brain – Self Improvement Ebook and Video Package

MindZoom – Positive Affirmations Software

https://selfdevelopment.site/designing-your-brain-with-brain-training-self-development/feed/ 0 126
Does Brain Training Really Work? The Limits of the Human Mind > Mindset https://selfdevelopment.site/does-brain-training-really-work-the-limits-of-the-human-mind-mindset/ https://selfdevelopment.site/does-brain-training-really-work-the-limits-of-the-human-mind-mindset/#respond Sat, 14 Jan 2023 06:44:54 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=128 Read More »]]> Many of us are fascinated with the idea of increasing our intelligence, our focus and our memory. If we could increase our capabilities in these areas, then we could solve more problems, we could succeed in our careers, and we could gain the respect of our peers. But can the brain really be upgraded? Is there such thing as a real ‘Limitless’ pill? And do all these brain training games really work?

The Hidden Potential of the Brain

You’ve probably heard claims that we only use a small percentage of our brain and that we have lots of untapped potential. Well the latter point is true, but the former is a complete myth and misunderstands the way our brain works. Likewise, many ‘brain training games’ have been shown to only really improve the specific task that they present us with.

Counting penguins makes you better at counting penguins and that’s about it. But that is not to say that there aren’t ways we can enhance our brain function and get more from our various mental faculties. It is possible to upgrade such things as focus, memory and attention, but in order to do that we need a better understanding of neuroscience, the biology of our brain and how our brains respond to stimulus.

The key to all of this is something called brain plasticity. This is the ability of the brain to grow and change shape in response to experience and training. We are capable of growing new neuronal connections and altering our chemical makeup but only when properly stimulated.

Why Train Your Brain?

But what is truly exciting is that the capabilities of the human mind go far beyond merely upgrading your ability to retain information, or to be witty in conversation.

Brain plasticity shows that the brain can adapt to incredible demands and changes. This is how some blind individuals have managed to develop sonar. It’s what allowed some people to develop synesthesia and to visualize complex mathematical equations. It allowed Dennis Rogers to recruit more muscle fiber during exercise and to stop an aircraft from taking off with his bare hands.

It allows gymnasts to move with fluidity, memory masters to recite pi to tens of thousands of decimal points (the record is 31,811) and it is what allowed Einstein to decipher the secrets of the universe simply by picturing the movement of light.

It allows Whim Hof to raise his body temperature and survive exposure to extreme cold. Plasticity allows autistic savants to create perfect sketches of cityscapes they’ve seen for seconds.

And ultimately it means you have the ability to design the brain you want, to become optimized for the challenges you face in your life and for the goals you are working toward. You can become more highly focused, more creative, more confident or even upgrade the speed of your thought.

You can train your brain just as a bodybuilder trains their muscles. And the potential that this represents is something that has not even been fully explored. Your mind is limitless, it is the final frontier.

Related Info Products:

Brighter Brain – Self Improvement Ebook and Video Package

MindZoom – Positive Affirmations Software

https://selfdevelopment.site/does-brain-training-really-work-the-limits-of-the-human-mind-mindset/feed/ 0 128
Changing Your Physiology to Change Your Mind > Self Development https://selfdevelopment.site/changing-your-physiology-to-change-your-mind-self-development/ https://selfdevelopment.site/changing-your-physiology-to-change-your-mind-self-development/#respond Sat, 14 Jan 2023 06:26:15 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=124 Read More »]]> In order to perform your best, you need to be in the perfect state of mind. That means that you need to have just the right chemical balance of neurotransmitters in order to be slightly aroused and alert but not to the point of being stressed to distraction. During times of relaxation, you of course want to tone down that stress to achieve a relaxed state of mind, which is also optimal for being creative.

You can use nootropics, brain training, visualization and more to achieve this, or you can rely on your natural cycles and simply choose the right time to work. Our body goes through natural cycles based on what we eat, what the weather is like and even our breathing.

But alternatively, you could also consider actively influencing these physiological factors in order to trigger the most desirable mental state for the given activity.

The Role of Physiology

You can also manipulate your physiology in order to alter your mental state and to change the way you feel and perform at any given time.

For example, if you wanted to be more alert and focused, then you should avoid a heavy lunch. A heavy lunch requires energy simply to digest and as it triggers the release of feel-good endorphins, which also happen to be inhibitory neurotransmitters, it actually makes your brain more sluggish.

This is one reason that many people claim they feel more alert and focused when they are in a fasted state (it possibly also has to do with the release of ketones, which are preferential for certain specific mental activities).

Conversely, if you find yourself becoming anxious and grumpy, then consider seeking out more food in order to fix that chemical balance.

Likewise, if you turn the temperature down slightly, then you will also increase your arousal. The colder you are, the faster you breathe and the faster the blood flows through your veins. You also produce significantly more norepinephrine and testosterone. This is why it can be such an effective tool to take a cold shower, to jump in a plunge pool, or even just to splash cold water on your face.

Another good way to fight the fight or flight response though and to restore your homeostasis/calm is to practice correct breathing. Correct breathing technique is often referred to as ‘belly breathing’ and it involves first relaxing the diaphragm and then allowing the stomach to expand as the lower portion of the lungs drop into it, before feeling up the top of the lungs and expanding the chest.

This slower, fuller breathing can modulate the response of your parasympathetic nervous system in order to restore a sense of calm – especially if you make each breath longer and count for 4-5 seconds on every exhale and inhale. Next time you’re about to give a speech or do an interview, try this technique to calm your nerves.

Master Your Emotion

Many of us make the mistake of believing that our emotions arise from our thoughts, but more often it is our thoughts that arise from our emotions. And what do our emotions arise from? Our feelings. These have an evolutionary purpose remember, so they are all about driving us toward survival – finding food, resting when we can and avoiding danger.

If you’re having a bad day and you think the world kind of sucks, then before you do anything rash, ask if you might be over tired (which makes us groggy but eventually results in a fight or flight response), overly hungry or even ill which can create brain fog by causing inflammation via the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Either way, look after your body if you want to have the best chance of controlling your mind and consider the context for how you’re feeling at any given time. The reason you can’t focus might even be because your belt is digging in…

Related Info Products:

Brighter Brain – Self Improvement Ebook and Video Package

MindZoom – Positive Affirmations Software

https://selfdevelopment.site/changing-your-physiology-to-change-your-mind-self-development/feed/ 0 124
Accessing Greater Strength and Creativity Through Mental Control > Self Development https://selfdevelopment.site/accessing-greater-strength-and-creativity-through-mental-control-self-development/ https://selfdevelopment.site/accessing-greater-strength-and-creativity-through-mental-control-self-development/#respond Sat, 14 Jan 2023 06:15:13 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=122 Read More »]]> If you’re interested in the concept of heightening human performance and getting the very most out of your brain and body, then chances are you will have come across the subject of flow states. Flow states are a mental state synonymous with heightened awareness and reflexes, when we are completely focused and all distracting thoughts melt away.

Flow states get a lot of positive attention and this is deserved for the most part; but they are often treated as a ‘cure all’ for our performance, along with increased mindfulness.

Right now, all the literature regarding our mental health seems to be around ‘being in the moment’ or focusing more.
But there is always a danger with something like this that we will become overly enamored with a single solution. Like a fad diet, we can end up getting carried away with one solution and end up trying to apply it to every aspect of our lives.

Flow states are not the answer to everything and they should not be relied upon in every situation. And while being in your own head can be a bad thing, it can also actually be a very good thing.

The Default Mode Network

Consider the default mode network for instance. This is a network of brain regions that activates in the brain when we are daydreaming, planning ahead or generally completely detached from reality. It often sees activation when we engage in repetitive, manual tasks and allow our mind to wander.

This is in many ways the opposite of a flow state, but that doesn’t mean it is a bad thing. After all, the ability to think ahead, to imagine and to create is what makes us human… and it’s also where many of our best ideas come from.

Einstein was almost certainly using the default mode network when he came up with his theory of Special Relativity. He was working in a patent office at the time and he even credits the menial work with helping him to flex his imaginative muscles.

So yes, be ‘mindful’ and aim for ‘flow’ but don’t forget that there are other useful mental states out there too.

Ultimate Strength

At the other end of the spectrum, what happens when you go passed a flow state? What happens when you become more aroused and alert than you ever have before?

This may be what causes a state known as ‘hysterical strength’. If you’ve heard stories of Mothers who have lifted cars off of their trapped children, then that’s what scientists now suspect hysterical strength to be.

Normally, you are only capable of recruiting 30% (average) to 60% (highly trained athlete) of your muscle fiber at once. This protects the body from harm and prevents us from becoming completely fatigued.

But when you are in a life-or-death situation, adrenaline is released and this actually increases muscle fiber recruitment to a large extent – studies show that even shouting in the gym can trigger the release of enough adrenaline to cause marginal increases in strength.

So, when you see red and your body is awash with these hormones, it appears that you are actually capable of tapping into immense reserves of super-human strength. It’s not something that has been thoroughly researched or even proven, but it’s a fascinating concept and it demonstrates just how much untapped potential our minds and bodies are hiding.

Related Info Products:

Brighter Brain – Self Improvement Ebook and Video Package

Mind Master – Achieve Goals and Stop Bad Habits

https://selfdevelopment.site/accessing-greater-strength-and-creativity-through-mental-control-self-development/feed/ 0 122
Start Unleashing Your True Potential > Self Help https://selfdevelopment.site/start-unleashing-your-true-potential-self-help/ https://selfdevelopment.site/start-unleashing-your-true-potential-self-help/#respond Mon, 09 Jan 2023 18:40:19 +0000 https://selfdevelopment.site/?p=60 Read More »]]> I’ll bet that there’s one excuse you have in your life that’s holding you back from executing particular things. They may range from particular excuses like ‘I’m timid so can’t get any place in life’ to basic excuses like ‘great things don’t happen to individuals like me’. Either direction, these excuses are irrelevant and unneeded. Occasionally it’s not even that we bear excuses which stop us from getting someplace, it’s merely the fact that our goals are little and they don’t test our limits. Don’t begin living up to your potential tomorrow, do it now, even if it means you’re curtailing your lunch break. Really put these steps into action and begin being the individual you wish to be, the individual you’re meant to be.

The Benefits To Unleashing Your True Potential

Drifting through life on the nonchalant attitude does not really allow an individual to get the absolute potential out of life. Sometime people don’t even realize there is more to life than their little worlds. In the quest to finding what is out there, first one should learn how to unleash the potential powers from within.

The Advantages

Being able to sleep well every night is just one of the benefits of reaching one’s true potential. When the mind is open and free there are no restriction to its calm comfort, hence the ability to sleep well. Breezing through a day without feeling the stress and worries everyone else seems to have in their lives is also a benefit to unleashing one’s potential.

Having a constant mind set of peace, helps to bring on the experience of true happiness and contentment. Attaining this level of peace in the only way complete one’s life. Unleashing the true potential also allows a person to be at peace from within. This then protects the mind from having to deal with the competitiveness and negativity in the work environment. This also ensures the individual does not resort to using such negativity themselves. The eagerness to interact with love ones is enhanced, when one has comfortably attained the true potential in life. There is no further need to chase after things that have little lasting value. Time spent with family is time well spent.

Being comfortable in the company of people from all walks of life and all different ethnic backgrounds clearly shows the achievement to the true potential in an individual. Most people tend to stick to the things they are comfortable with and avoid anything new, but a person who has learnt how to get to reach their potential lives by a different mindset altogether.

Decide What Areas Of Your Life Need Change

Making decisions to embark on something new is quite scary. Furthermore if it involves something totally new and foreign the level of fear is further enhanced. There are usually many factors to deal with and this will put further pressure on the decision to change.


Adding to this, making a decision to change does not usually occur when the positive elements in the situation outnumber the negative and thus the usual scenario is to stay in the rut and continue with the current situation. However when the case is the opposite, where the current situation’s negative elements outnumber the positive, and then something needs to be done to improve the odds of gaining success.

One way to encourage the individual to take the first crucial step is to step back and look at the situation as objectively as possible. Making a firm decision to make a change is very important. Then deciding what changes are needed to be made would enable the situation to start turning itself around. Besides these seemingly simple steps, each individual must also weigh the odds of success when considering the changes to be made.

Have a “working paper” done on the perceived changes and its workings to achieve these possible changes. This will give the mind set a clearer picture of the requirements needed in the exercise to make the change. Upon looking at a situation or predicament objectively, the process to change can start to take place. The most common things that most people consider changing are their careers. Very few people are truly satisfied with their current situation and always perceive that there is something better available. Another areas that most people aspire to make a change in, is in their relationships. As these changes most times have to go through unpleasant phases before the calm is gained there is usually a lot of apprehension in making the decision, as it is indeed enormous.

Channel Positive Energy Into Your Life

It is a popular belief both in the scientific and non scientific world that everything is connect to and by energy. There is good energy and there is bad energy, as everything is energy. Using this basis of thought process, the conclusion that everything an individual experiences, consist of either positive energy or negative energy, which in some corresponding way is dictated by the actions in a particular situation.

Favorable Influence

To be the beneficiary of only good and positive energy, an individual, must be aware of its connection and corresponding reactions all the time.

A very powerful train of thought to consider is, we manifest into existence what we think and feel strongly about. Scientific studies have shown that, thoughts and feelings are actually pure energy entities, thus these energy entities, be it positive or negative is what dictates the outcome of the thought process and corresponding action.

Plainly put, think positive get positive, and think negative get negative. There are several tried and true methods that are recommended in order to channel positive energy into one’s life. Here are some of those recommendations:

• Control the amounts of media exposed to the individual. Being constantly bombarded with negative images and loud aggressive music does not create a positive and calm mind set.

• Develop a good affirmation system and constantly repeat the affirmation but with complete conviction. This will allow the subconscious to get used to it and start to accept it as a reality.

• Be wary of the people and conditions surrounding the individual. The positive minded people surrounding the individual will not only be able to create a positive mind set in the individual by also radiate positive energy constantly. This energy can be strongly felt and is contagious in a positive way.

How Important Is Goal Setting

Getting the best out of life often requires a lot of focus and hard work. Without these two elements it can prove to be an uphill task or even impossible. Almost nothing comes at the drop of a hat. However there are some methods that can prove to be quite useful along the way. Having a plan in place before embarking on the journey is definitely a good idea.


This process is called foal setting. This is one way to achieve what is needed in order to reach the goal within a certain time frame and to the satisfaction of all concerned. Most successful completion of projects has this one thing in common – goal setting.

The elements involved in goal setting are fairly simply and should be so. Setting complicated and unreasonable steps to reaching the goal is not only foolish but can have a negative impact on the end results.

Some things to include when setting a goal are as follows:

• Charting out a long term plan
• Mapped out the time frame for each progressive step
• Tasks and deadline in specifics
• Personnel involved in the execution of the plan

This is one of the best ways to keep track of what is happening and also how well the exercise is going. Goal setting is very important for other reasons too, like giving everyone involved a vision to work towards and a sense of accomplishment everything each step is successfully achieved.

Besides this, goal setting is also beneficial because it can also bring to attention any weak points that need to be addressed immediately before the project takes a wrong turn or churns the wrong results. It can also function as a bench mark to gauge any further needs that could prove useful to the project at hand or any future endeavors.

How To Set Goals Correctly

Everyone should have goals in life, and most people do. However when it comes to planning for these goals, there are many varied tried and trusted methods to choose from. Having some knowledge of the various recommendations will help anyone work out their own goal plan. Being as well informed as possible allows the individual to avoid setting the goals so high that it would be impossible to reach and thus eventually cause failure.

Do It Correctly

Being specific when setting goals, is a very important point to adhere to. When there is no specific outline the tendency to be vague is ever present, which can work against the goal as the mind is unable to focus on the clear picture of what is wanted and needed. This vagueness also gives too much “freedom” and because there are not much restrictions, mistakes are inevitable and very likely.

Having a measurable way to determining the progress of the goal is also another way to ensure completion and success. Every goal must have a time frame that is measured against tangible materials. The progress made must match the time frame and the expected results based on the said time frame. This check and balance method ensures the necessary adjustments are made immediately upon discovery and not only when the progress had encountered problems

Achievable goal scenarios are something that should be carefully considered before actually mapping out the method to achieve the goal is done. The feeling of excitement and zest to complete the project will quickly wane once the realization dawns that the goal is unachievable.

Perhaps seeking opinions of those around who know the capabilities of the individual is an indication of sorts as to whether the goal will succeed. Besides being a gauging tool along the process towards reaching the goal, time lines are also wise because this ensures the completion date target is met. If there is no time line in place then there is no sense of urgency and no discipline.

Define Who You Look Up To And Them Emulate Them

Having a mentor of sort is another way of successfully achieving goals that have been set. Usually when a goal is set, it is to achieve a specific idea, item, or feeling, to name a few. Therefore having a real and tangible point to focus on is very encouraging.

People Who Know How

Today a lot of people idolize others because they like what they see and because they want to be the person they idolize. The same concept can be applied to the individual looking to set a goal. Defining the specific points that draw the individual to be attracted to the person they are trying to emulate is both interesting and enlightening. Often this requires an in depth study of the idol or object of idolization itself.

By listing all the admired points of the person or object idolized and slowly incorporating these points into one’s own life does allow the person to grow more confident in themselves and even cause an improvement in their lives along the way. As each point is successfully met or achieved, the confidence level of the individual becomes more apparent and this further gives the individual the mush needed boost to strive for even bigger things.

In defining and emulating someone, the individual also get to physically see the “end product” in which they find such strong admiration for. This is beneficial if the qualities sought are positive and thus by emulation the positive qualities the person own life’s circumstances benefits.

Caution should be exercised when making this choice as it will have an impact on the success of the goal and the processes required reaching it. Even the goal is finally reached these qualities that were used in the emulation process may have become such an integral part of the individual that it further benefits other parts of the individual’s life.

Draw Good Karma By Always Being Grateful

Breezing through life is a wonderful way to life. Everything comes so easily and the circumstances are always wonderfully bearable. This scenario is rare indeed, in today’s world of mainly worry and stress, but nonetheless a wonderful thing to be able to attain.

Pull In Good

The popular thought is, do good – get good, does perhaps ring true to some extent. Kindness and gratitude are virtues that can be cultivated and strengthened but it would be prudent to practice both these virtues together. Both these elements need to be entwined in order for it to come across as genuine.

Doing things with the intention of benefiting someone else helps to promote the virtue of kindness which in turn allows the individual to experience an inner peace and joy. However the exercise must be genuine for this good by product to manifest itself. When an act of kindness has been extended the feeling of gratefulness from the recipient is tremendous especially if the act itself was timely and much needed.

Besides being beneficial to the recipient, of the kind act, good karma can also be derived for the recipient who learns how to be grateful for the act of kindness received. When one is in a state of gratefulness the body and mind undergo a certain change, which soften the heart. The humbling effect it has, genuinely allows the individual to appreciate things more and be more in tuned with surrounding elements.

For those who have been on both sides of the coin, so to speak, realize that gratitude is the corner stone for the law of attraction. In learning how to be grateful for everything one has, the good karma that is drawn from this attitude is not only phenomenal, it is also very real.

Why It Is Important To Keep Learning

Constantly being eager to learn things no matter at what age is not only beneficial in terms of knowledge but also help to keep the mind and body alert. Keeping abreast with the latest information of various kinds allows the individual to be well informed and generally knowledgeable in almost any topic or fields.

Keep Growing

Most people associate learning with education and this is not entirely correct. Being willing to be exposed and informed to anything, anytime and anywhere is a form of the learning process. The process of learning is ever present in an individual’s life, from learning new skill to handling family issues. Even taking up a new hobby is in actual fact learning or acquiring a new skill.

People who are keen to try new things and at the same time pick up a few beneficial tips along the way are people who have come to realize the importance of growing from strength to strength in life. By remaining stubbornly in the mindset that one does not need to learn new things as age progresses is indeed a huge folly not only for the individual concerned but also for those around him or her.

Even if the new information learnt does not bring about immediate benefit or use it does not mean the whole exercise of acquiring this new information is useless. It is not unusual for the learnt matter to come in handy at some later stage.

There are benefits like, saving money because the information learnt may help resolve a problem without having to hire or pay for outside help. In tackling the problem and deriving successful results the individual also benefits mentally because to the satisfaction generated from the act of independence. Being willing to constantly learn new things or pick up new skills shows the individual’s willingness to grow and thus allows for the opportunities to present itself. Because of this good trait, the individual will notice a vast area of opportunities always available.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Change

Being afraid of change is really a common and normal experience most people go through at one point or another in their lives. Growing comfortable or having already reached their “comfort zone” in life often makes people extremely wary of the prospect of change. The results of which is strong resistance to any change at all. However is would be to the benefit to all to embrace the prospect of change with an open mind and a positive attitude.

Alter Things

Some of the issues one may have to deal with when attempting or before considering the change is fear of the unknown, doubt in one’s self, isolation, and agonization over decisions, forgetting to consider other options, focusing too much on the external picture and limiting the resources. All these issues can hold an individual in the grip of fear to make the change.

Fear of the unknown can be paralyzing indeed. The human mind is more that capable of conjuring up images of every possible negative scenario that could materialize if the change is attempted, thus effectively sabotaging any positive steps taken to make the change. However if the human mind is capable of doing this it would make sense to correctly assume that the human mind is also capable of conjuring equally positive images to bring about the zest and confidence to step up and make the change desired.

Another fear to overcome would doubt one’s self and capabilities. Most people tend to sell themselves short simply because they are unwilling to step out of their comfort zones and try something totally new. The correct attitude should be open mindedness and by having this, the fear of failing becomes less of the focal point. Rather the person is able to accept that at the very worst they did try something new, although it failed, and there are no “what if” nagging thoughts.

The Downside Of Not Being Where You Should Be

Many people never reach their true potential because of their fear of failure. They would rather stay in their comfort zone and just dream of things that could be rather than actually taking steps to make it happen. For some this is a situation they can accept and live with comfortably while for others this discontent can cause serious mental and physical health issues.

Things To Know

One of the downsides of not being where one should be is that there is a constant feeling of discontentment in the individual’s life. This discontentment can and will lead to problems in other areas of the individual life, from health to wealth. When it comes to the work environment the discontent here can result in losing interest in the task at hand or not putting in the best efforts to ensure a good job is done. When this happens the negative repercussions can cause the individual to lose the already tenuous standing in the work environment and further dampening any chances of moving upwards, career wise.

One’s full potential cannot be reached if the current position in life does not match the perceived capabilities of the individual. This is also another consequence of not being where one should be. Calculated risk are never taken, thus potentials are never explored nor reached. This scenario also does not allow the individual to remember that other options maybe available as a result of taking the extra step.

“Tying” one’s self down because of the current perks enjoyed, contributes to the failure to reach one’s potential in life. This is usually the case when the fear of the unknown is prevalent in stopping the individual from taking the risk to step out of the comfort zone. Fear of losing whatever is already available against whatever could be gained is the down side of not being where one should and can be.

Wrapping Up

It amazes me how many individuals I know have ambitions for where they would like to go in the future, yet have no real plan on how they would like to arrive there. Rather plainly, you’re never going to reach your full potential if you carry on with the precise same lifestyle that you are living nowadays. I’m sorry, but someplace along the line things will have to switch, and you might need to compromise.

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